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Access resources such as our online grade book, school calendar, and testing information.
Find out more about opportunities at El Puente, such as internships, dual-enrollment courses, and apprenticeships.
Learn more about what El Puente has to offer, and why we're a good fit for you.
We believe that a solid academic education will allow our students the most opportunities when they graduate from our program. We want to help our students learn how they learn best, learn what social skills will allow them to resolve conflict peacefully, and how to manage their lives successfully both inside and out of the school building. We expect everyone, staff and students alike, to give their best effort. We expect you as a student to work hard and to learn. We expect that you will treat everyone in the El Puente community with respect and compassion.
El Puente’s curriculum and the program they utilize are designed to prepare students for moving into a university setting, technical training or full time employment. El Puente’s academic year also allows for greater success. The academic year begins in August and continues through June. This August- June schedule is simply a modified year-round schedule.
School Year Office Hours
8 a.m. – 4 p.m., Monday – Friday
To view El Puente’s 2023-2024 DPI Report Card, click here.
To view other DPI Report Cards, click here. To view a full list of educational options for Wisconsin students, please see DPI’s Notice of Educational Options here.
El Puente High School is a private school that is fully accredited by WRISA and run by TransCenter for Youth, a nonprofit organization. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.